New Toys for the Holidays?

My wife is asking for my brewing wish list for Christmas. As I stare at my new all-grain equipment, old kegging equipment, and even older fermenters, I’m wondering what to add (besides beer kits). I’ve been brewing for years but would consider myself squarely in the novice brewer column. Haven’t gone down the road of temperature controls, keggerator systems, PH measurements, aeration, etc. So my question to this fine group is this: what is on everyone’s wish list this year?

Chillzilla is on mine. Just started doing water adjustment, if you brew all grain you may want to think about a water report from ward labs and a few salts to make some adjustments. That being said, fermentors, kegs and kits are always good gifts.

Mine just expressed frustration because she knows that if I feel I need it, I generally just buy it.

I just got a bunch of stuff to go into all grain from extract brewing. About the only thing I can think of that I need might be an oxygen system…unless she wants to spring for a Stainless steel conical fermentor. That would be nice.

I requested a thermapen. a couple secondary 5gal bettle bottles, and an oxygen system.

and already got an early present from my mom, a vacuum football saver. Which already has been used to vacuum seal my hops.

Which means, I probably won’t get any of them. Oh and I already got shoot down on a counter flow chiller.

I’m getting a new roof and a tankless water heater for the brewhouse. :smiley:

[quote=“muddywater_grant”]I requested a thermapen. a couple secondary 5gal bettle bottles, and an oxygen system.

and already got an early present from my mom, a vacuum football saver. Which already has been used to vacuum seal my hops.

Which means, I probably won’t get any of them. Oh and I already got shoot down on a counter flow chiller.[/quote]

A vacuum football saver? Is that something you only need once, but couldn’t get by without it? :wink:

I am requesting a Moster Mills. Tired of the inconsistent grins I am getting from the brew shop. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Unless she has to buy the gift herself, just get a gift certificate.

Otherwise I’d go for a nice mill, old corded drill, and some sacks of grain.

Or maybe a chest freezer + temp controller.

PH and aeration just seem a little over the top for the average 5 gallon home brewer.

I went backwards. I got the 14g conical first and now asking for the 10g AG cooler set up. I told my wife that I’d love a 20g brew sculpture and a few more heated/cooled conicals, but she laughed.

From my wife, I’m sure I’m gonna get a “how much beer do you need to make anyway?” :blah:

I’m on my own. :wink:

Chillzilla, a couple cornies and maybe two 3 way valves to replumbthe brew cart. I’m hoping Santa comes through.

I’m not expecting anything brew-related this year. The only thing on my list that I’d like is to motorize my grain mill (tired of running it with an electric drill) but that won’t be something I’ll get for a gift.

To the OP: If you want to give your wife a hint, I would go for a temperature control set-up for fermentation or a keg set-up. The first if you want to do the one upgrade that makes the most impact on the quality of your beer, or the second if you want to make the one upgrade that takes the most work out of brewing.

I have a feeling no brew related items for me this year either. Unfortunately, during deer season my $300 binos took a spill out of the stand. Hopefully a new set will magically appear under the tree.
Just in case Santa is reading this post :wink: a new smoker would be nice as well.

I’m certain my wife ordered a blichmann burner. I hope it’s as great as the reviews I’ve read.

As for the OP, think about getting a Ph meter. On any scale, water is important. When I started adjusting water, I saw my beer improve, especially in clarity. Just a thought.

All great ideas. Keep em up. Hope everybody’s having a great brew weekend…

I agree with burdbrew, a PH Meter would serve you well.

Ok, so the tankless water heater showed up this week and I couldn’t resist opening my Christmas present early. I’m so happy! It’s taking my ~56º F tap water to 160ºF at the rate of 2 gal/min. It’s going to be so nice having hot water on demand in the brewhouse!

PH meter is what i want/need. a new corney would be nice. a mill would also be nice. some new buckets maybe. theres a lot i want, but unfortunately santas wallet is my wallet

if you don’t have a thermapen, i recommend getting one