My lagering cellar is empty

Can you recommend schwartzbier, bock or other dark black lager recipe? I really like the roasted malt character.

I would make a bock … if I had a lagering cellar.

Is it an actual cellar or something you created (i.e. fridge/freezer)?

Most dark lagers get there color from Carafa. It will add dark color but not much Roast flavor. I would think a Bock would be the way to go. It would not be as roast as some brown ales but still favorable.

[quote=“ibeentired”]I would make a bock … if I had a lagering cellar.

Is it an actual cellar or something you created (i.e. fridge/freezer)?[/quote]

Yeah - you got me. It’s really just a freezer that I converted that sits in my garage. But that sounds terrible. ‘Lagering cellar’ sounds more like a monastery in the German Alps (rather than garage in the suburbs of Austin).

BTW – I ended up making a Porter. I really like the idea of a bock. That’s a great suggestion. That’s probably the next stop. Thanks for the input everyone.