I would like to make a IPA that is a little on the hoppy side using my home grown cascade or chinook. I like dogfish head and similar IPA’s. This is my planned hops additions, any suggestions or recommendations would be appreciated.
1 0z CTZ 60 min 16.2 AA
.5 oz centennial 30 min 9.3AA
.5 oz simcoe 15 min 12.9AA
.5 oz falconers flight 5 min 9.9 AA
.5 oz amarillo at flame out 9.5 AA
Extract / specialty grains with WPL001
The above are all pellet. Using the IBU calculator Total IBU 88
I am considering after fermentation putting the primary in my refrigerator to clear the beer. Than racking it to a secondary fermenter for dry hopping…I have cascade and chinook whole leaf I grew this year.
Thanks again,
I’ve dry hopped with my homegrown before and made good beer. I would add twice the home grown than I would from store bought. Mine havnt been that aromatic this year other years they have. This year I made an experiment
With all homegrown it’s definitely not an IPA. Came out more of a lightly hopped pale ale. Kind of hard to gauge the IBU. Next year I’ll double again the bittering hops.
Hi Brew Cat,
Thats why I went with pellets for the main bittering and my whole leaf for dry hopping. I am also using some new hops for the first time like falconers flight and wondered what the forum member’s think of my hop schedule. We will be making the beer tomorrow.
Thanks again,
I’m sure it will come out great. I personally don’t layer in that many varieties. Nothing wrong with it, just not my style. The reason I did the all homegrown experiment is to use up my homegrown. Started with my stock pale grain and just played. I plan on doing this as a one off every harvest just for fun. It’s kind of neat not knowing what your going to get. The flavor I got from my cascade this year was not a typical strong flavor. Knowing this now I can use the knowledge for future batches. I have about 8oz left. So I may use them for flavor and dry hop with store bought for the punch. Next year I’ll have a couple more varieties ready so I’ll brew each as a single hop and go from there. Have fun brewing tomorrow, I’m on for tomorrow or Sunday depending on the wind :cheers: