Malt vinegar

Anybody have any success making their own vinegars I’d like to make a few jars of wine cider and malt vinegar. I found some natural mother of vinegar cultures and unpasteurized vinegar on Amazon to start the acetic fermentation. Seems pretty simple add culture to alcoholic beverage loosely cover allowing o2 exchange. Let ferment for a few months strain pasturize bottle.

I’ve always wanted to try that, let us know how it turns out. I know I’ve heard stories of a number of people ending up with awesome malt vinegar by accident, but I’m not familiar with the process for how to do it on purpose. :slight_smile:

If you can I would dedicate equipment and keep it away from your beer stuff just to be safe.

I was just looking into this the other day. ... negar.html

This guy posts on this forum I think, and I found this blog really interesting. I want to do this really bad.

[quote=“Adam20”]I was just looking into this the other day. ... negar.html

This guy posts on this forum I think, and I found this blog really interesting. I want to do this really bad.[/quote]

nice read thanks for the link. sounds like im on the right track.

next thing is to pick the type of beer I was thinking I would do one that is traditional like a bitter or esb, ond one that would be weird like a really phenolic belgian or something with alot of hop aroma, to see if some of those flavors survive into the final product.