Low Carb recipe?

Is it possible to homebrew a low carb beer that actually tastes good. Also, if possible can I bump the abv to 5 or 6?

well I believe you can brew a lower carb beer that tastes good but a low carb beer may be harder. It would have to be a dry beer to get the abv up you need to add simple sugar not malt. What type of beer do you like? You can fool around with a recipe builder like brewers friend and it will calculate carbs for you. Should be a fun experiment. Keep us posted

Another option is to use amyloglucosidase so you can target a a lower SG but still get the ABV you want. However, if added to the fermenter there is no stopping it, and as @brew_cat said, it’s going to be dry. This is why low carb beers are usually light American lagers that people want a bit drier.
Another option you can experiment with is using amyloglucosidase to the mash at a lower temp and rest for a longer time. Shoot for about 142°. This way you can denature the enzyme with a mash out or boil.
Either way a couple things. First, lower carb beers are usually thinner because it’s the carbs that provide body. Additionally bitter hopping goes a lot further in low carb beers and it’s easy to over bitter.
Good luck on your adventure!

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Has anyone tried the Fermentis, All in One, yeast/enzyme packs for low carb beer?

I have not. They’re just yeast packaged with Glucoamylase, which is what I spoke of above. Again, on the cold side there is no stopping it.