Going to brew the Chinook IPA. Hop schedule is .75 at 60, .5 at 10 and .5 at 1. I have 12.9 AA chinook hops. I was thinking about adjusting the schedule to get more flavor and aroma from the hops while maintaining the same bitterness.
Anyone have any tips with adjusting schedule to increase late hops and lower 60 addition to increase flavor and aroma?
I have been drawn this year to adding my aroma and flavor to the wort after cooling it to 170F and then steeping for 20 min. It does the best job of capturing oils that are volatile above 170F. Doing this does not really add many IBUs so I keep my bettering then same
Seems odd to have an IPA with such few hops… If you like the bittering charge, leave that as it is… I’d have another 5 oz lined up… Put in 3 oz at 180* let it sit for half an hour… Then add 3 oz as the fermenter slows down… Sneezles61
The hop quantities are fine for a normal nonneipa IPA .
From my data entry I get
50.3 IBUs from .75 at 60min
12.2 IBUs from .5 at 10min
1.4 IBUs from .5 at 1 min
I’d bitter with magnum or maybe cluster in that one and use all the chinook as late hopbursting like 5, 3, 2, 1 and a big WP as @squeegeethree suggested.
The grain bill is 10 lbs 2 row, .75 lbs cara 8, .25 lbs c120. I was going to get some more hops from the LHBS but ever did. I have 1oz of chinook for dry hopping I might just toss it in as a whirlpool hop around 170°. I was thinking about bumping up the gravity a little more but I will probably just leave it as is. I do have 1oz of cascade that is sealed in original packed in the freezer. Don’t remember how long they have been in there though.