Looking for a tried and true extract recipe for Lagunitas Maximus IPA.
have you tried to get in touch with the brewery? sometimes they can get you real close.
How about this? From Can You Brew IT:
OG 1081
FG 1019
IBUs 102.9
SRM 8.6
6.74kg US 2-row 77.6%
1.34kg wheat malt 15.4%
330g light munich 3.9%
280g crystal 60 3.2%
Boil for 90min
31.5g Willamete 5.2%AA at 90min
7g Horizon 12%AA at 90min
17.5g Centennial 10%AA at 45min
35g Willamete at 45min
17.5g Liberty 4%AA at 45min
17.5g Cascade 6%AA at 45min
38.5g Cascade at 20min
24.4g Centennial dry hop
24.4g Cascade dry hop
24.4g Simcoe dry hop
Wyeast 1968
Mash at 157F [not a typo, the http://www.homebrewtalk.com/f12/can-you … /Lagunitas IPA mashes at 160F]
Pitch at 62F-65F, raise to 68 after 48’, raise to 70F
Discussion notes:
Fermenting cooler helps to reduce the ester production for this beer. Nathan used a thick mash, 1 quart/lb. Jamil notes that the mash temperature plays a greater role in fermentability than mash thickness. Dry hopping on the warmer side increases extraction, so you can rack sooner.