Two recent porters brewed consecutively will not form a staying head in the glass. Thought perhaps I made a mistake with the priming sugar and some of the porters not sampled yet of the first brew will be over carbonated from poor mixing of the priming solution. I used Domino Dots to prime the second porter. Still no staying head on this porter. A couple of puffs with a straw in the glass will form a tall head. The head will gradually reduce to 1/8".
I noticed white streaks inside the carboys when preparing for the next two brews. Rinsed the carboys again with water that is about 80°F. Haven’t sampled either of these yet. Still need at least another week of bottle conditioning time.
I suspect the white streaks in the carboys is residue from the Powdered Brewery Wash. Might not be rinsing well without the use of very hot rinse water. Since I’ve never had the problem before I suspect a change in my well water this Spring. I’m working off a 2014 Wards’ water report. Total hardness may have increased changing the performance of the PBW. Residue is most likely not from using too much PBW. I use about a third of the recommended strength. I just need to loosen the krausen ring because I always plan to to use the brush anyway.
This prompted the switch to Alkaline Brewery Wash which supposedly rinses well with cool to just warm water. I have two fermentors in the racks that are dry inside and not showing any signs of visible residue. Have another that has had the ABW solution in it for two days. Maybe time makes a difference. I’ll brush and rinse this one tonight.
The Speckled Heifer will be the next brew. Rinse the fermentor before sanitizing as I always do and hope for the best. Pale beer like the SH needs a tall head and good lacing all the way down until the glass is empty.