Kettle Hop Basket

This was on sale today through Homebrew finds. Once shipping was added I basically paid full price but I’ve been looking for one. Seems a little more refined than my paint strainer bags…may not filter as finely…we’ll see.

Let me know how you like it. I’ve been filtering out my hops before entry into the fermenter instead. I’ve been curious about whether or not anything is lost keeping them contained in the pot.

I’ve been using paint strainer bags in the boil for years. I’ve never noticed any loss but then I may have just adjusted my recipes to taste. If I’m underutilizing some hops…oh well.

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I use one thats the size of a 5 gallon bucket… What I find is that it does keep the hops debris to a minimum. I do recirc through the basket and after a while… the basket is full and the kettle is empty when pumping out to the fermenter… Just use the spoon to scrape the hops off so the wort drains out…
So this makes me wonder how much do you get from the strainer bag… I would assume it too will plug up and not let wort in… Maybe? Sneezles61

I use the 5 gallon paint strainer bags. Sometimes two of them if It’s a ton of hops. They billow and move around in the boil. Lift them up and they drain right out just like the BIAB bag. My concern is more that the SS mesh basket won’t perform as well as the bag.

I do use 2 of these hop spiders reason i do use 2 of these in my kettle. Have a feeling. If you put all your hops in one basket. It becomes to tight. You really have to swirl the hops around to get the hops flav into your wort so me divide the hops into 2 spiders. Good thing. Easy to transfer your wort. No trub. Cleaning spider bit much work

I use one of those on occasion with smaller hop additions. Larger additions seem to plug it up and I’m not convinced I get good circulation through it. I always swoosh it around in the kettle and notice when you pick it up wort stays in it. I use it mostly when draining from the mash tun to the boil kettle to catch husks and what not. I’ll be interested to hear your opinion.

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You guys are making me think I should’ve just stuck with my paint strainer bags…haha

Ha ha Your experience may be different. My brother in law loves his.

True. I hated the blichmann beergun and everyone else seems to love it right?

Sorry @dannyboy58 I ditched mine long ago as I felt I never got a true boil in the filter. It was more like steeping the hops.

My 20gallon pot I do the strainer bags the 10 gallon I dump into the fermenter through a strainer except hoppy beers I don’t strain. Not sure I’d find the hop basket that useful, just something more to wash

And a PITA to wash at that. Great idea but just not convinced I get the hop utilization I want/need.


It dries out… I wash after and before… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:Sneezles61

Been thinking the same thing. Today gonna skip the hopspider. Gonna toss the hops into the kettle.

Wish I’d asked before I pulled the trigger…:unamused:

When you use ginger root… it’ll help from clogging up the pump… Sneezles61