
anyone have some experience with Kegco Two Keg Door Mount Homebrew Kegerator Kit Ball Lock Kit? I like the price but don’t want to get something that I will have to replace soon.

Overall it looks decent. I’ve been kegging nearly my entire homebrew career, about 6 yrs. I would definitely suggest getting Perlick faucets and make sure the shanks are stainless. I had the standard faucets to start and you will hate them and you will replace them, unless your up for cleaning and dealing with sticky faucets between pours.

Some thoughts. I have been homebrewing for about 19 years and had draft systems for probably 30. Add the price of all the stuff by looking around for used stuff. You may be able to get a CO2 tank with a deposit from a local supply and just exchange tanks. You go in with your empty and they hand you a filled one with no wait. If you own the tank, you pay to have it hydrostatic tested every 5 years. I know because I have one to pick up after testing. The tank won’t be shiny bright like the new one but the contents the same.

Dual gauge regulators can be had for under $50 and again look around for used on craigslist, ebay or wherever you can think of. Same thing goes for kegs. New ones are available but a good cleaning of a used one and replace the O-rings are just as good and cheaper. Again the outside won’t look new but what is inside is what counts.

+1 on Perlick faucets. They pour nice, look good, are easier to clean and shut off forward to help keep junk out.

Many LHBS (local home brew shops) can help with the little stuff like hoses, clamps and connections. My LHBS is great with draft parts. Some CO2 supply shops can help also. Check around for a fire equipment supply for CO2. They are sometimes much cheaper than a welding or gas supply.

If you don’t mind the price for the Kegco then it does look nice. If you decide to build from parts, feel free to ask questions here. We love to help and welcome!