Is a 12 hr. lag time (for bubbling/ferment) normal?

Normally I make starters and see a much shorter lag time , but this time I got lazy and pitched 1 large Wyeast smack pack into a low gravity bitter. Is 12-14 hrs okay?

Very typical lag time for Wyeat smack packs (low gravity) and no starter…for me, 12-24 hrs has been quite normal before seeing air lock activity.



If you pitched cool, I would say that is normal. I often see activity in the 12-24 hr window when pitching at 62-65F with starters that I’ve cold crashed. The older the smack pack the longer it may take as well.

I wouldn’t worry until past 24-48 hours.

cool, thanks. pitched it at about 66 dgrs…
been 15 now, and bubbling once every 6 seconds

Seems like a very healthy smack pack if it is going so well after only 15 hours at 66 pitching temp.

A modestly low (starting) gravity of 1.046 also helps. yeah, the smack pack blew up like crazy before I cracked it open

Sounds like a very successful fermentation to me.