Irish red with Belle Saison yeast?

I have an Irish red kit on the shelf I got free with another kit I bought. It came with Nottingham but I am about to rack another beer off a nice yest cake of the Belle Saison that fermented out really well.

Would I get any strange tastes if I brewed the Irish red and poured it directly onto the Saison after I rack that one to secondary? I’ve not brewed with this yeast before so I’m not sure of the flavors it produces I just know it fermented well and I’m not against experimenting since it was free.

The saison yeast would make this a very different tasting beer. The saison yeast would tend to result in a very dry, spicy beer with slight lemon flavors. This might make a delicious red ale, but it won’t taste Irish anymore. Personally I would recommend just sticking with the Nottingham ale yeast to make a totally different beer this time around. But of course it’s your beer so you can do whatever you like!

Ya that’s what I wasn’t sure of. This is my first Saison. I’ve heard the term funky applied to them but don’t yet know what that means. Lol.

I’ll probably do the Nottingham., thanks

If you’ve never had a saison before, maybe you could pick up a few from a liquor store. Try them, then decide whether you’d like to experiment or just use the Notty.

By strange do you mean delicious? If your not sure if your ready for the funk keep your fermentation temp around 68 if you want more funk jack it up. Of course like Dave says you won’t be in Ireland anymore. Once I used a Belgian yeast in a scotch ale although many said it was inappropriate, turned out to be a favorite beer.

Ya I live so far out in the woods one of the main reasons I started brewing is because it’s a special day if you can find anything other then bud light around here. It was a dry County all together up until last year but I’m not drinking bud light. Lol. No chance of finding much worth drinking. Shiner bock and the occasional leinenkugels is the best I can hope for.

I have two Saison Beers brewing at the moment so I hope I like them. I’ve probably had some in the past and didn’t know it

The thing about saisons is they are all different. You may not like them all but they are addictive. I only brew them in summer when the temperature is warm it help me keep my fermentation temp where I want. What saisons are you brewing?

Ares biere DE mars

And storm the bastille, which I’m not actually sure if it’s a Saison. The description has a line that says something about heartier then a standard Saison so I’m assuming it is some variant. I know it came out with an OG of 1.10 that’s petty crazy

That is hearty. I would call that a shade tree saison. Im not familiar with those but two commercial ones that I like and would recommend are Allagash Saison, and Collete by Great Divide.

I just racked the ares biere de Mars into secondary and it smells really good. I think I’m going to like it. I’m not a huge hop guy, the other one may be a bit hop heavy for me. But I still drink even the ones I don’t like, my frugality gets the better of me.