
And I think most ‘normal’ consumers would do the same (ie - vast majority of us brewing beer are not ‘normal’ beer consumers). I have no ill will towards a brewer that builds up their business and decides to sell their business to a larger brewer, that is often the goal of being an entrepreneur. Ultimately I really only care about the quality of the beer but I will still tend to buy local since while not all are great there is almost always at least a few local choices at least equal to a national brand and I really like to support the brewers that are part of my local community.

I do wonder what will be the reaction when larger craft brewers start to buy smaller ones. Say Sam Adams buys one of your favorite locals or Stone does it or Sierra…

Living in Northern Colorado, I have seen the craft beer explosion for at least 3 decades. I have come to have a broader view of what’s happening though. For instance in Ft. Collins we have so many micros I can’t keep up with them all. I have a friend who just got hired at AB. It’s union and he now gets paid well and has a terrific job with many benny’s. I also know AB supports the community in many ways, one of which pays big time taxes. I also refuse to drink “BUD”! New Belgian is in town, and also supports the community. I also don’t like Fat Tire, but they have several brews I really like. And there are many micros I buy from too, from time to time. Each of these outfits serve a purpose. They all employ people and serve the community. Ft. Collins also has a great LHBS, which I’m really grateful
for! Just a different view.