Instant Yeast Starter

Hi all,

I wanted to get a feel on the instant yeast starters that are in the can. Has anyone used them yet? Are they good to use? I’m fairly new to brewing (under 10 batches of extract kits) and have never incorporated a yeast starter into my brewing but would like to in the future, but I’m scared I’m going to screw something up. I thought this might be a great place to start…


Just think of yeast starters as a mini beer. Some people make it complicated with flasks and stir plates. I make mine in mason jars on my kitchen counter.

I drink a 6-pack of these every once in a while. Could make starters with this, or drink it, or both. I bet it’s cheaper than the other stuff, just a guess.

[quote=“Ponchr”]Hi all,

I wanted to get a feel on the instant yeast starters that are in the can. Has anyone used them yet? Are they good to use? I’m fairly new to brewing (under 10 batches of extract kits) and have never incorporated a yeast starter into my brewing but would like to in the future, but I’m scared I’m going to screw something up. I thought this might be a great place to start…


Make sure to sanitize everything and you’ll do great. Remember that if you’re using dry yeast that it’s not necessary. A stir plate is great but a jar that you swish around occasionally works too.

I like the packaged starter since it keeps it from feeling like there are two brew days. I pressure-canned wort which is cheaper but not easier than using this.

The easiest thing to do is after your done mashing pour what’s left in your tun into a Tupperware container and freeze if. When you need a starter thaw it, boil it, pour it in a mason jar, chill it, toss in some yeast, shake it, cover with foil.

Wow Brew Cat, I like that idea! Never thought of that.

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Doh! Light goes on. I have been dumping the rest of my run off after getting the desired amount of wort. Wonder how much money I have wasted on DME.

I have used Malta Goya for starters in the past. You are supposed to let it go flat first. It is also very dark so I would not use it in a very light colored beer. Seems to work so-so.