I’m looking for the best spot to ferment my beer. I’m a new home brewer and falling fast for it. My problem is I don’t really have a good dark and quiet spot to let the beer ferment. I did buy a used fridge for beer that I put in the garage but don’t have a manual control for the temp for it yet. Both the fermenting beers are ales. I guess my question would be, does it really have to be a quiet spot or could I put them in my closet? I obviously go there everyday and more than once, is this OK or should I find a different spot??
Beer doesn’t care about the sound. It cares about the temperature, and doesn’t like direct sunlight. As long as the temp is right you can have a heard of elephants passing through every day just as long as they don’t knock over your fermentor.
sounds is not an issue. Stable temp in the proper range for your yeast strain is what you need to worry about, not sound or movement. Commercial breweries are not exactly quiet.
You could put some ear muffs or headphones on your fermenter… I heard that beer that ferments listening to classical music or some smooth jazz turns out to be smooth and easy drinking. On the other hand, if you play Nine Inch Nails for your beer, it turns out more bitter.
Here you go Make sure you watch the Surly furious Blow off. :twisted:
I think what the writers of those directions are getting at is you don’t want this in the kids’ playroom or the laundry room with the dog. More of a concern of activity around the fermenter that could shake it up than sound waves penetrating the plastic and causing tulturing of the beer.
BTW, “tulturing” doesn’t exist. Its a fake word that I made up. Just put it somewhere where people/dogs/rugrats won’t mess with it.
AND GET THAT TEMP CONTROLLER! It will yield big improvements.
Cheers, hombre.
Closet is usually fine. Cooler the better. There will be the sweet smell of fermentation involved so a wife or girlfriend may not appreciate it in their bedroom closet. But who knows - I personally sleep with my ales right beside my bed so I know they are not out getting into trouble at night.
HAHA! Thank you all. I think I try the classical music tonight!
Oh, and sorry about the title missing a word.
[quote=“jbayer80”]HAHA! Thank you all. I think I try the classical music tonight!
Oh, and sorry about the title missing a word.[/quote]
Most of my ales ferment in the bedroom closet when my lager freezer is in use. I’ve had complaints of the bubbling keeping my wife awake
play some Filth if you make a coffee stout or porter (bwahahahaha!!!)
My stouts and porters usually get the Children of Bodom treatment!
See my signature line for an inexpensive temp controller.
To keep it in the dark, an old t-shirt slipped over the fermenter works great
Good idea. I’ll do that next time. I’ve been using wet towels to
I bottle tomorrow for my first time and I can’t wait. I’m away on a business trip so I’ve really pissed my wife off asking for pictures every other day to see how the temp is and how things are looking.