Ok hydrometer sample question here (possible dumb question). If I have sterilized all equipment that will be used for taking the reading is there any problem with pouring the sample back into the carboy when I’m done? This isn’t such a big deal with 5 gallon batches but when brewing 1 gallon batches it seems like I’m loosing a lot of wort to the sampling process. Thoughts?
I’ve done it before with no issues but you are always tempting fate by putting it back in there.
It Tried doing it by rinsing the test tube in star Stan but it kind of made the sample foamy and hard to read. If your careful you could probably get away with it just make sure you don’t splash.
Multiple SG readings, for a one gallon brew, can add up, per cent wise, of the total volume. I might go with one SG reading for an average to low gravity beer, if the SG was in the range 1.010 to 1.012 (Not including a saison which may typically end at 1.003.), if the beer was in the primary for at least three weeks. Before I planned this, a lot of thought would go into aerating the wort properly, pitching the right amount of yeast, and optimizing the fermentation temperature.
Five gallon brews I will take an SG reading about day 12 and day 19,and then decide if there is a potential problem such as a stuck fermentation.
Another option would be to invest in a Refractometer. A little pricey but well worth it. Measure gravity using a few drops instead of a few ounces.
[quote=“mmBeer”]Another option would be to invest in a Refractometer. A little pricey but well worth it. Measure gravity using a few drops instead of a few ounces.
:cheers: [/quote]
Just be mindful that FG needs to e adjusted due to the presence of alcohol. I also agree with flarss in that I would be very patient and take a hydro reading at 3 weeks as MOST yeast will be done by then.