How should I store a Hop Shot Extract? Freezer or Refrigerator?
I’ve kept mine in the fridge for about 8 months now, and then brewed a Pliney the Younger clone with it. Everything tastes fine to me. I think you may want to contact the sellers of hop shot and ask them how they store it. When you get an answer post it back here.
I stored my HopShot in the refrigerator for several (3?) years. When I did eventually get around to using it, I figured it was still just as good as the day I bought it.
[quote=“dmtaylo2”]I stored my HopShot in the refrigerator for several (3?) years. When I did eventually get around to using it, I figured it was still just as good as the day I bought it.[/quote]That has been my experience as well. My HopShot was at least three, maybe even four years old and stored in the fridge.
Based on recommendations from a chat with the good folks at NB, I do the following:
Store Hopshot in freezer. Remove and refrigerate day before brewing. On brew day, put syringe of Hopshot in hot water to warm up before adding to wort. Works like a charm.