I am really excited about these tiny little green guys popping up!!
This is already higher than they got all last year!
I didn’t get them in the ground soon enough last year, so am hoping for better results this year. I have one centennial and one chinook planted. Depending on how they go, may expand next year.

Nice. Bummer they dont want to grow here on island. Other wise would have got the going. Weird stuff the other green plant. Cousin of hops. Grows like crazy here. Dont know why it does not grow. Hops. To much sun. Not enough. Rain. Shade.
Hops don’t like to grow here in south Florida either. Same reasons. Too hot, too much sun, not enough rain. I think the soil is also a problem. No real dirt. It’s all sand or coral.
They like temperate climate. Gray sky, rain, cool. Like our place in central NY.
Mine haven’t come up yet. Maybe they died
You know after I posted that I looked again and the Chinook are about a foot long and beefy. The Cascades an nuggets are peeking out also
That’s apparently a far cry from dead!
I’ve got two bines coming up in each box. I’ve got one bine in one box started on the rope, but the big one in the other box isn’t quite big enough yet to stay on the rope. Should I train both bines up the rope in each box?

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I swear they went from dead to 12" overnight. I guess that’s the nature of the beast
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About the only thing I did with my hops back when I grew them was to cut them back in the fall after the season was over. The next spring they grew back. I had a garden arbor for them to climb so they couldn’t get too tall but had something to climb that was no work. They got watered depending on rain fall.
We never met the new owners of that house. I wondered if they knew what they were and if maybe there was a brewer in the house.
Sounds like allot of you people don’t grow anymore. Why not? I grow some for fun I might throw some I am brew in the fall but mostly ornaments. They grow up around my beer garden and another arbor. They are no work sometimes I don’t even cut them down in the fall. They smell nice and look cool. Conversation piece. I put them in some of my steins for centerpieces. I like to watch them grow more entertaining than grass. Not using them in beer is not an acceptable excuse for me anyway
I’m in an urban environment so I had to grow them in pots. I actually bought really big plastic totes that I filled with dirt. However due to that space was limited as was availability to grow upwards.
In addition I travel a lot on weekends. On a nice warm, semi-rainy weekend I would come back and they would have grown a foot. On a warm, dry weekend I would come home to find them wilted and dying.
In the end I gave 6 centennial rhizomes to a buddy’s friend who lived out in the country. So they went to good use. I actually have a beam on the front porch and I’m trying to convince the Mrs. to allow me to plant a rhizome there for aesthetic purposes.
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Dug these up from my parents yards to send my cousin. A noble hop planted in 1977. Any advice about mailing?
Shred up some newspaper soak it in water and wrap it in plastic. They’ll be fine.
Mine only grew 2 bines each last year and only a few feet tall as well. I think I planted them too late but this year they are all coming back with 6 or so bines each and growing strong. Its recommended to cut the first few shoots that pop up, but I cant see myself doing that. Haha
In my case we moved and I don’t really have a good spot to grow them.
And in my case… damn deer! Sneezles61
Deer and turkey and a raccoon in the pear tree
Thats a Christmas song… Poopy Paws!
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Coming up strong this year!! 

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