Hop Blossom Homebrew Competition 2018

Its almost that time again… prepare yourself for Hop Blossom 2018! This year we are limiting participation to 150 entries so start making your plans early.

Entry Registration Opens: April 1 2018
Entry Registration Closes: May 5 2018
Main Judging: May 19 2018

This is a BJCP event… we have great prizes lined up from all over the beer community. To include, “Best of Show” winner (if local) will be brewed and poured at Front Royal Brewing Company. Please see our facebook page and/or follow the Shenandoah Valley Homebrewers Guild on instagram (@shenvalleyhomebrewers)for more details

I’d wish these peeps that post would join some of our conversations… This type seems to be kinda like junk mail that shows up in the mailbox… :unamused: Sneezles61

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I will happily join in the conversations… This post was done at the request of Northern Brewer, one of our event sponsors.

See you in the other posts!


Thank you! More peeps give more ideas/opinions to experiment with… Sneezles61

Entered a few beers in this event a couple of years ago with no expectation for winning anything, Just hoped for feedback to help me improve my brewing. I was quite disppointed in the level of effort that appeared to have been put into the feedback. It appeared that only one of my 4 beers even got reviewed by a BJCP judge. Wasn’t worth the time and effort for me to bottle and deliver the beers.

I’m actually shocked to hear that kind of feedback. We strive to have a BJCP judge at eveyr table. I know i am part of the organization, but i have never received poor feedback and/or no BJCP judges in the group in the last 4 years (and almost 20 beers entered).

The amount of available BJCP judges is shrinking… it is one of the main motivators for us to keep the entries down to 150… to ensure we have enough BJCP judges to go around.