I have some wheat LME that I need to use up, and wanted to make a light, summer IPA using the wheat LME and some honey to dry it out. I was hoping some of you would let me know what they think of the following recipe:
I think you are making the hop additions way to complicated IMO. Why not combine the 20/15, and the 10/5 minute additions. I really think the difference between adding 1 oz at 20 Mins instead of 0.5 at 20 and 15 min wont be noticeable in the final product. I could just be lazy though.
So I ended up brewing this a few weeks ago. Last night I racked it to the secondary fermenter, and dry-hopped it with 1 oz of Centennials, and 1 oz of Citras.
Even without the dry-hops the aroma was amazing! The gravity sample tasted nice as well. I’m feeling good about this beer. I’ll keep you posted on the final results.