Honey Brown Ale! Excellent!

I had bought NB’s “Nut Brown Ale” which seemed like a really basic (and not very memorable) brown ale so I could do a little experimentation and it turned out great. I followed the recipe exactly but added a little under 1.5 pounds light brown sugar and probably 3/4 cup organic wildflower honey from a local apiary just to give it a little kiss of honey. I wish I knew how to upload a picture of my glass next to the jar of honey because the color is identical! It was just the perfect addition of flavor and comes through without being overbearing. Behind the tongue coating honey notes its a good malty beer, slightly sweet of the malt but in a nice caramely way, and just the faint fruitiness of hops behind it.
Only weaknesses… It could have better residual mouth-feel (although I enjoy big beers so a lighter beer drinker would likely find it perfect), and it could also have used some additional hopping, though not enough to overpower the honey. I think a touch of something floral and citrusy like cascade may have been a nice addition.