Found on the Atlanta Craigslist, guy sells barrels, containers, etc…Also has the S/S food barrels, albeit a bit pricier than I’ve seen them.
Found on the Atlanta Craigslist, guy sells barrels, containers, etc…Also has the S/S food barrels, albeit a bit pricier than I’ve seen them.
Nice. Unfortunately, I can’t fill anything that big with my puny setup.
I don’t know that I ever will either, but I did some trading with the guy.
I had some stuff that was unused and UN-needed, so we did a swap!
However…When I get to the land of cheap grains, and my column is finished, well…I might need to do a LARGE ferment :shock:
[quote=“Stealthcruiser”]…and my column is finished…[/quote]Would that be a reflux column? 8)
Ummmm, yep! :o