Help With American Amber Recipe Please!

I have all my ingredients milled and ready to go for this weekend for what was supposed to be an AAA. For whatever reason I went off of something I read and didn’t punch it into a calculator and now that I have it’s only coming in around 6SRM. Definitely not amber. Below are the grains I currently have. What could I add to this recipe to bump it closer to style? Thanks!

11# 2-row
.75# C-40
.5# Munich
.25# C-120

FWIW, hops are some combination of Magnum, Amarillo and Centennial. Yeast is US-05.

Are the below grains in ADDITION to what your CURRENT recipe is? Post your recipe next time…

If you have the ADDITIONAL grains I would add a mixture of C40 and C120 until you hit your desired SRM.

[quote=“rambleon”]I have all my ingredients milled and ready to go for this weekend for what was supposed to be an AAA. For whatever reason I went off of something I read and didn’t punch it into a calculator and now that I have it’s only coming in around 6SRM. Definitely not amber. Below are the grains I currently have. What could I add to this recipe to bump it closer to style? Thanks!

11# 2-row
.75# C-40
.5# Munich
.25# C-120

FWIW, hops are some combination of Magnum, Amarillo and Centennial. Yeast is US-05.[/quote]

I get 9.9 srm in beer smith. If you have any black patent, carafa, or any black malt around 500 srm a ounce or 2 will put you were you need to be color wise