It hit a day record of 101* here yesterday, it was quite hot in the shop.
Sposed to be not as hot today though.
I always try to start brewing as soon as I roll out of bed.
Brewed an Enkel last Sunday, was the first time I used a recirculating ice water setup for my IC, worked really well. Think I’m going to put quick disconnects on my chiller to make it a breeze.
Good luck!
Its just as hot here on the other side of the state. I may brew Sunday, and if I do I’m going to put up my pop-up canopy. Then its just a matter of staying hydrated. I generally chill down to 80F or so then transfer to the fermentor and let it sit in the cool basement for several hours with a box fan to bring to pitching temps.
My philosophy is to experience and enjoy the weather extremes as they come along, and remember them fondly as I experience the other end of the temp spectrum a few months later. Its about all you can do in Missouri.
get up early in the morning i love mashing in with a big cup of coffee and brewing before the rest of the house or neighborhood gets up. here in southern ohio the low overnight is like 75 so it will will probably be hot again before ten am.
I brew like mad in the spring to build up a stockpile of about 40 gallons, and take the summer off from brewing. I’ll start brewing again in October or November when the beer stockpile is about to run out.
Just brewed an IPA last night, apartment was around 83F so both that beer and my secondary are in a plastic bucket with water that gets ice once a day. Keeps it about 65F.
I sweet. I just look at it as water salts. And keep on keeping on.
I will still brew 2 to three times a month all summer long. Luckily I brew in a open air screened in porch with a ceiling fan. This is much better than my last house were I would brew in the garage to get away from the sun and have zero moving air at all.
I fill like I am in Alaska compared to the old place.
[quote=“bdaugherty”]get up early in the morning i love mashing in with a big cup of coffee and brewing before the rest of the house or neighborhood gets up. here in southern ohio the low overnight is like 75 so it will will probably be hot again before ten am.[/quote]That’s my standard operating procedure.
[quote=“Brewbeer22”]I brew like mad in the spring to build up a stockpile of about 8 gallons, and take the summer off from brewing. I’ll start brewing again in October or November when the beer stockpile is about to run out.[/quote]I’ve never heard of 8 gallons referred to as a “stockpile” but I like your thinking. With consumption levels like that, you can afford to take off the whole Summer.
That’s a good plan! I just began brewing this spring so I wasn’t thinking ahead enough. So looks like I’ll be doing some brewing in the mid-80s tomorrow. Can’t be much worse than summer canning. Just a little more difficult chilling the wort. I kind of wish i would have bought an immersion chiller, but my kitchen sink wouldn’t work with one anyway. Not sure I want to carry the hot wort down the twisting stairs to the basement in my second floor rental.
+1 more to get up and get going. Had some issues today that pushed me back but I can usually be done and all cleaned up by about 11 and still have a whole day ahead to whatever i want.
I’m leaning toward starting in the evening and brewing into the night. I like to drink a few when I brew. Morning brewing is less attractive to me, because there’s a fault in my psyche preventing me from drinking in the morning.
When I am all done and cleaned up before noon I dont feel too bad about grabbing an early afternoon pint as a reward. When I have drank during a brewing session I find that I am more likely to make mistakes. And am kinda lazy with clean up, organization, ect.
The hobby is about enjoyment and relaxation for me. I find it to be a great way to spend a quiet morning. you may find it a great way to enjoy an evening so brew on and stay hydrated :cheers: