Growing hops newbie

I have a question about timeframe of when to start seeing the plant break the surface. I planted cascade hops a little over a week ago from some root trimmings from a friends plant. How long after you put them in the ground should you expect to see shoots coming out of the ground?
Thank you

I planted rhizomes for the first time this year as well, cascade and chinook. The first cascade bine popped up in about a week, took two weeks for the chinook. More bines have been popping up over the last 6-weeks. Got 5 cascade and 3 chinook so far, three rhizomes per hill. Good luck!

It depends on how large and vigorous the rhizomes you planted are, how deep they are, etc. The first time I planted rhizomes some of them started sprouting in the first 2 weeks, while the smallest took almost 3 months to start growing. All still doing well 3 years later, my healthiest cascade is already over 5feet tall, and we are still getting down to 30 degrees F at night here.