That’s pretty good water. Very similar to my well water. It’s great for darker beers. I’ve found it’s fine for everything except the lightest styles like a pilsner. For that I use distilled and build it up per brunwater.
Speaking of which, get a copy of Brunwater and plug in your water analysis. Read the water knowledge section. Then read it a couple more times. There are other water programs out there. I’ve only used brunwater.
Wow, that’s soft. You can make every style with that water – just add a little chloride if you want to accentuate malt, and sulfate for bitterness. Great water.
Thanks guys . I will probably have some new questions once I put everything into brew in water. Got one already when you have to pick a brew style how do I match that to what t I am brewing
Over to the right there is a SRM chart. For options I use the color rather than a specific city profile. Then I decide what I want from the beer (hoppy, balanced, malty) The only time I stray from this is for pale ale and American lagers as there is a specific water profile for those beers.