Anyone got any advice for this?
I just have a couple little blotches here and there from a smaller boil over a while back. Didn’t clean it right away and let the boil finish before trying to scrub it off. Bad idea; it’s on there pretty good and is not coming off. Dish soap, cleaning spay, bleach…nothing. I guess I could try one of those metal scrubbing pads.
I would go with a green scrubbing pad before a metal one.
Have you tried to let some hot water sit on it for a bit to soften it up? Lay a rag over it and keep it warm/wet.
How about Soft Scrub with a green pad? That’s what I use on my glass stove top.
A mild acid? Maybe try vinegar, straight, or dilute it some. Good luck.
i use some orange cleaner in the spray bottle. its orange color, smells of orange, and is pretty acidic. let it soak for a few hours, then wipe it off with some elbow grease
I find that the extra strength Mr.clean magic erasers take off a lot of my beer messes.
If you can remove the whole top, bring it out side and give it a heavy spray of oven cleaner. Let it sit 15-30 minutes then use a scotch brite pad on it.
If not, do the same thing inside but open windows and doors and be careful of the overspray.
Barkeepers friend on a damp rag should take it right off.
i jest
i jest[/quote]
So, you’re not Greek, are you? Just remembering the movie.
I just move every couple of years.
[quote=“Belpaire”]If you can remove the whole top, bring it out side and give it a heavy spray of oven cleaner. Let it sit 15-30 minutes then use a scotch brite pad on it.
If not, do the same thing inside but open windows and doors and be careful of the overspray.[/quote]
That’s exactly what I was going to suggest. That oven cleaner stuff is potent!
If it’s a Porcelain coated stove top, there’s a specific cleaner sold at appliance stores that won’t damage the surface. I’ve found it to work fairly well. Lemon juice(seriously) works well. I Chef friend of mine told me they have to lock it up otherwise the cleaning crew will steal it.
Glass tops, Use a razor blade a scrape it off carefully, The glass it harder than the steel. then use the specific glass top cleaner. Again, lemon juice also works fairly well.
Good luck