German Magnum

Anyone brew with German Magnum pellets? Any thoughts or reviews?

If anyone has, when do you like to add them to the boil?

[quote=“claytonh4”]Anyone brew with German Magnum pellets? Any thoughts or reviews?

If anyone has, when do you like to add them to the boil?[/quote]
I use them very often as bittering hops. They have a fair AA% and produce a very soft bitterness.

I use them pretty much only for bittering. As Loopie said, they give a soft almost smooth bitterness. I generally only use them for beers with moderate to high IBUs, as the AA value is high enough that small errors in weighing can make a significant difference in IBUs if you are aiming for something low.

I use them for bittering additions. Like RC I tend to only use them in IPAs or beers that are higher in hop presence because at 14AA a small mistake could have a large impact on the beer. So I’ve been a little apprehensive about using them in my malt focused lagers even as a bittering hop.

You wimps! Take a chance! :lol:

Just got a pound from nikobrew for 12$. I’ve used them before and they are a good bittering hops. I’ll be using them a bunch now. I don’t know about using them for flavoring though.

I bitter all my beers with magnum for the most part. Only exclusion might be an IPA.

Found this nice page on magnum hops

Thanks so much for all the info! Are there any flavoring hops you guys like to use in addition that can stand up and be noticeable even with the bittering effect of magnum?

Any flavoring hop will do just fine. Flavoring hops are added late in the boil and I assume that you would only use your bittering charge to balance the sweetness. That’s the nice thing about magnum, its not harsh.

Awesome! Thanks so much Loopie!

Like others, I have used Magnum as my sole bittering hop with good results. I’ve most recently used it as a first wort hop with good results. It’s a nice clean bittering hop.

You wimps! Take a chance! :lol: [/quote]

OK you got to me Loopie! I’m going to bitter my next batch of Dunkel with Magnum. Will be a much smaller charge than I would have needed with Tradition…

Make sure you have your cocaine scale if using it as a small bittering charge! Such a high aa you have to be careful!