Fruit flavored beer

I want to make some fruit beers. I have already purchased an American Wheat extract kit and fruit purée (blueberry). I am planning on adding the purée into the secondary fermentor for two weeks. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how much fruit I should add?

2lbs of fresh fruit per gallon of beer…in your case using the puree…i would go with 2 cans forfruit character or 3 cans for a fruit bomb

I just made a blueberry ale which has a lot of wheat. I added 1 can (3 lbs) of blueberry puree and 1 large bag (also 3 lbs I think)of frozen blueberries, slightly thawed, slightly crushed.

I added to primary because I only have a 5 gallon Better Bottle and I knew I would overwhelm it with all the fruit additions. I also wanted the yeast to fully chew through the new fruit additions.

I let this sit for two weeks and racked to secondary over the weekend. I am a little concerned because the beer is very purple and tasted pretty watery. Hoping it turns out ok

Thanks for the replies! This gives me a good starting point. I’m sure a lot depends on personal taste, and will require a little trial and error. I hadn’t thought of using either fresh or frozen fruit, but both sound like easier, and cheaper, options.
Thanks again!

If you use fresh, freeze them 1st before crushing. This will help burst the cell walls