Fresh Hops

My homebrew club just did a group buy on fresh hops and I find myself with 8 oz bags of:

Mt. Hood

I have never used CTZ before (to my knowledge).

Any thoughts on some styles I can brew in the next few weeks to take advantage of these nice fresh hops?

(BTW - it felt so weird driving down the road with large ziplock bags of green leafy stuff sitting on the seat next to me, not sure why :shock: )

[quote=“560sdl”](BTW - it felt so weird driving down the road with large ziplock bags of green leafy stuff sitting on the seat next to me, not sure why[/quote]I just picked up 33lbs of Citra pellets, was hoping to not get pulled over by a K9 unit…

With what you bought, I would first make a SMaSH APA with the CTZ. Then use the yeast cake to make Denny’s Rye IPA with the CTZ and the Mt. Hood. Can’t make any suggestions on the Willamette, never used them.

An all columbus IPA is always a good choice, you could always sprinkle some of those other hops in if you want to. Its all good. ( I wish I had 33lbs of citra). Cheers.

Mt. Hood and CTZ are the hops for my Rye IPA recipe.

[quote=“Denny”]Mt. Hood and CTZ are the hops for my Rye IPA recipe.[/quote]Appears to be an echo in here… :cheers:

Guess I should wake up before I post

I just tapped a keg of your Wry Smile that I brewed about 6 weeks ago. Guess I can always brew another :slight_smile:

[quote=“560sdl”]I just tapped a keg of your Wry Smile that I brewed about 6 weeks ago. Guess I can always brew another :slight_smile: [/quote]If you didn’t already do so, add a little of the CTZ to the keg to freshen up the hop character.



You know, I had a friend over last night and we were going back and forth between an amber ale, similar to Waldo Lake and the Rye. He mentioned that the Rye was not very hoppy. So I will add some CTZ. How much of the dried hop should I add. 1 oz?

At least one oz - the cold beer will not take up a lot of hop aroma very quickly, so more is better. Or take the keg out of the kegerator to dryhop for a week at room temp, then put it back in to drink.

Guess I should wake up before I post[/quote]
waking up is for sissies! I haven’t woken up since I was your age.

Was he talking about MY Rye IPA recipe? :shock:

Was he talking about MY Rye IPA recipe? :shock: [/quote]

The one and only. But not all that hop forward. Added 1.5 oz of CTZ leaf hops to the keg last night.

Was he talking about MY Rye IPA recipe? :shock: [/quote]

The one and only. But not all that hop forward. Added 1.5 oz of CTZ leaf hops to the keg last night.[/quote]

Not all that hop forward? Wow, either you guys have some intense tastes or something went wrong. I think it’s one of the most hop forward beers I’ve ever tasted.

I did all my dry hopping in the keg…not sure, but instantly noticed a difference with the new hops I added.