First BIAB and a question (I probably should know by now)

Brewed my first BIAB on 3/2 an Irish Red with an OG of 1.058. Today I had planned to keg it assuming it was surely ready since it had been in primary for 13 days. However the FG is only 1.023 and I was wondering if another week in primary would be worth it. Normally for my Irish Reds, American Ales and English browns 2 weeks in the primary is always enough. I never rack to carboy but straight to keg…but this one’s got me wondering? Maybe rack to carboy or leave in Primary another week? Or just keg it? I’m reasonably sure fermentation stopped at about 7 days.

Edit: OG was supposed to be 1.050 and FG was supposed to be 1.014…I’m a bit off but I’m pretty sure it’s done fermenting.

[quote=“Scalded Dog”]Brewed my first BIAB on 3/2 an Irish Red with an OG of 1.058. Today I had planned to keg it assuming it was surely ready since it had been in primary for 13 days. However the FG is only 1.023 and I was wondering if another week in primary would be worth it. Normally for my Irish Reds, American Ales and English browns 2 weeks in the primary is always enough. I never rack to carboy but straight to keg…but this one’s got me wondering? Maybe rack to carboy or leave in Primary another week? Or just keg it? I’m reasonably sure fermentation stopped at about 7 days.

Edit: OG was supposed to be 1.050 and FG was supposed to be 1.014…I’m a bit off but I’m pretty sure it’s done fermenting.[/quote]
1.023 seems a bit on the high side; but maybe not terrible for an Irish Red… Was the mash temp on the high side? or maybe a lot of crystal malt…?

Personally, my motto is, when in doubt wait another week.

Mash temp at 152º for 90 mins and a 10 min mashout at 170º… full 90 min boil…only 1.5 lbs of crystal so IDK why the FG is a bit high. I can rack to carboy as long as I got it out with top off…probably wouldn’t hurt since it’s pretty cloudy. I’ll bet in a week the FG hasn’t moved but at least it should clear up.

How accurate is your thermometer?

Dead on balls accurate. I matched the thermometer in my brew pot with a digital one and they are accurate up and down the scale.

9 points higher than expected?
Give it a swirl to resuspend the yeast, warm it up, and give it another week.
May not get all 9, but even half of that would be better.
Taking it off the yeast cake by racking won’t get you much more than one or two points typically.

I actually racked to carboy last week before I read all the suggestions. I guess I could have sprinkled a little SO4 on top but chose not to. Just racked to keg tonight and the FG was 1.020. It’s really nice and clear and actually tastes pretty good. I’ll repost in a week when I tap it.

This was my first attempt at a BIAB so I’m really hoping it turns out well.

OK so I tapped that keg on Friday 3/28 after 7 days in the keg and it still was not ready. I added a cup of gelatin (was very cloudy) and as of last night it was awesome. Clear, no haze and very tasty. It’s definitely a do-over in a 10 gallon batch.

Who was it here that says we need more patience? I can sure tell you that is true. I don’t know how many times I get 3/4 of the way down on a keg only to realize it’s at the peak of flavor and I’ve drank 3 gallons of OK beer when if I’d just been more patient I could have had 5 gallons of awesome beer.

Anyway on to a Blond Ale this weekend…summer’s on the way :slight_smile: