[quote=“Steppedonapoptop”]Hi All, luckily I’m getting pressured for what I want for Christmas and I need to give my gorgeous wife a couple ideas. So my question to you is:
In a broad sense, what is one of your favorite brewing books?
Drilling down, what is one of your favorite style oriented brewing books?
I’m leaning toward British beers personally…
Thanks, Mike[/quote]
Two of my favorite style books are British imports: the Real Ale Almanac and Brew Your Own British Real Ale by Graham Wheeler.
The Almanac is out of print but you might be able to find it used. The authors surveyed breweries all over for information on their beers. While not 100% accurate, it can often give you an idea on formulating a recipe.
Wheeler’s book is interesting for the British view of homebrewing. It also has a bunch of recipes as well
And I’m sure this will come up a lot, but Brew Like a Monk is fantastic.
Jamil zainasheff and john palmers “brewing classic styles” has recipes of the major beer types including many british recipes. a very good book to sample many good recipes in styles your not farmilar with.
I would definately have to go with Designing Great Beers by Ray Daniels over pretty much anything else (including classic styles).
If you like british styles it definately has them. And it is a much more interesting read than a simple recipe book. I never hear as much chatter about this one as it should get, but everyone I hear from who actually has it loves it as much as I do.