I completed my first extract kit brew, Irish Red Ale, and everything went well. I do have a few questions that came up during the brew:
The instructions said “heat the water” to seep the grains. I brought the water to a light boil, cut the heat off, waited a monemnt or two and put the grains in to soak 20 mins. Is there an optimal temp to seep the grains?
The instructions instructed me to “boil” the extract and hops for 60 mins. What rate of boil is best boil rate, light boil simmer, medium boil, hard fast boil?
*I forgot to check the OG before I added the yeast, but did check it right after. The spec sheet said it be 1.044 but mine was 1.03. I believe the end volume was pretty close to 5 gals. I can’t see the yeast throwing it off that much. What could have caused that? What effect will it have on the finished product, will the ale be “lighter” than normal or the ABV lower or both?
*And finally, I tasted the finished wort and it tasted pretty “hoppy”, on my next kit if I wanted it less hoppy, would it be best to decrease the amount of hops supplied or reduce the boil times?
Thanking you in advance for any assistance.