Easy clean/ sanitizer or cleaner?

Does anyone know if easy clean is a Cleaner or a Sanitizer? Or is it both?

Good question, use as it calls for and I believe the instructions elude to it being a sanitizer. Play it safe and use something like star san on ALL equipment that will touch yer post boiled wort. You put a lot of effort to be second guessing what WILL or might work… Sneezles61

I agree with @sneezles61 use star san for sanitizing and easy clean for cleaning.

I have often read that the only reason it is not labeled as a sanitizer is because of the costs related to being certified and labeled as a sanitizer. These are often just hearsay reported stories repeated over the years. Since I am a fairly cautious person I say just use Star San as your sanitizer. Easy Clean and similar products may not be labeled as a sanitizer because it can’t be proved in laboratory tests that they are an effective sanitizer.

Thanks to all for all of your response concerning easy clean as a cleaner or sanitizer. My main reason for asking this is because I read somewhere that easy clean is labled as a cleaner but is really a sanitizer. I always use star san for my sanitizer. I was thinking of going to another type of cleaner instead of easy clean. Any other suggestions as to the best CLEANER out there.

I like to use PBW. It is expensive unless purchased in bulk. There is information on the web about homemade version with Oxyclean and TSP 90. Never tried this so can’t attest to how well it works.

Another vote for PBW. I use it for everything. Drinking glasses getting a little dishwasher haze? An hour soak and they are great.

Easy Clean contains Sodium Percarbonate (producing Hydrogen Peroxide when dissolved in water), a sanitizer.

For general sanitizing, where I can let the equipment sit, I use Easy Clean. But for those times I need a short contact time I use StarSan. YMMV.

Back in the dark ages of homebrewing I used dish soap and then rinsed to clean. For sanitizing bleach and water then rinsed. Always made beer!

Next I used B-brite to clean. Forgot how that worked but I always made beer.

Then I moved up to OneStep. Everyone said “it’s a cleaner not a sanitizer”. The rumor was the same. They just did not pay to have it certified as a sanitizer. Always made beer!

Next I started using PBW to clean. Worked great. Stuck with OneStep to sanitize. Always made beer!

Now I use either PBW or OneStep to clean and StarSan to sanitize. Yup, I’m still making beer!

Do have to wonder though if you just went to the drug store and bought a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and swished some around in your (already cleaned) fermentor if it would work as well as all this fancy and expensive stuff we have now.

Back in the late '90s when I started homebrewing, I used the powdered cleaners/sanitizers like OneStep. Ran into gushers after gushers after gushers. Switched to sanitizing everything with bleach, and the problem went away.

I’m sure the products have improved since then, but I don’t have the confidence in them for use as sanitizers. Oxy/PBW for cleaning, Star-San for sanitizing.

I tried the bleach trick too fer a while…. seems most my bottled beer had two bubbles ifn I was lucky…… Then I sure I didn’t rinse as well as I do now…. hard water and all…. Sneezles61

see if you can buy scuba dive rebreather sanatizer works perfect . one pouch per 30 gallons .i use this first and for second cleaning i do use starsan maybe overkill .but me happy this way