Dry Yeast Starter

So, I may have done my research a bit too late. Here’s my situation… I am planning on starting up a 5 gal. batch of Imperial Stout within 12-24hrs from now. Got the yeast starter and got it going this evening. The kit came with dry yeast, didn’t think twice about it. The starter is complete and the dry yeast was pitched into the starter.

After doing some research it sounds like a starter for dry yeast isn’t necessary and can cause more harm than good.

It was only a 650ml starter with less than 1/4tsp of yeast nutrient added and a half cup of dme. Considering the 1.081 gravity of this imperial stout, should I be concerned about too much yeast and a 4 month fermentation and conditioning period.

I’ve got some time before I pitch this, so please give me some reassurance or concerns before I could potentially ruin this bee

~ Thanks

I’d use an extra packet of dry yeast on top of that actually.

650ml is ~1.3pints.

A starter for 1 smack pack/vial for a beer that big should be just over 6qts.

No starter, 3.5 packages of liquid yeast.

Or 1.4 11.5g dry yeast packages.


Yes, making a starter for dry yeast is not necessary. And possibly harmful to the yeast.

[quote]Another case where you generally don’t want to make a starter is with dry yeast. It is usually cheaper and easier to just buy more dry yeast than it would be to make a starter large enough for most dry yeast packs. Many experts suggest that placing dry yeasts in a starter would just deplete the reserves that the yeast manufacturer worked so hard to build into their product. For dry yeasts, just do a proper re hydration in tap water, do not make a starter.


With that small of a starter, you probably did not have much growth. I would decant and pitch the slurry in your wort and add another packet.

Thanks for the support. Should I also use additional yeast nutrient while boiling the imperial stout wort?

Also, I don’t have the additional dry yeast available to pitch. Can’t get it locally and would have to order it online. Based on what I’m reading would it be best to throw out the starter and get two dry yeast packs and rehydrate while boiling/cooling the wort?

It’d be putting the process behind a week, but I don’t want to jeapordize the beer.

PS ~ it’s always awesome to be able to justify to the wife the purchase of additional beer making equipment… I guess I’m going to become a liquid yeast guy after this batch (I can see some of the benefits).

I purchased the 1000ml starter. The instructions seemed extremely vague. Using 650ml and a slow boil drops it down to around 400ml total. That doesn’t seem right.

How long are you boiling? You do not need long.

Directions are saying 15 minutes (you can find the directions with the yeast starter kit online). My guess is that in adding the liquid yeast you’re adding some more Mls to the starter.

1000ml is just over 1 quart. Why is NB selling something that is not appropriate for the use they are claiming it to be? :roll:

I would try to find or order some 1 gallon glass jars. In a pinch, you could use a plastic jug. I usually make a 3qt+ starter for my beers. Larger if a lager.

Dry yeast are good to use. 2 pack of yeast are what, $6-7? 1 liquid yeast is $6-8 plus the cost of the starter. So if you can get the flavor profile from a dry yeast, use it.

A starter that small can actually be detrimental since there isn’t enough “food” for the yeast to build up their glycol reserves.