Da*n friends, neighbors, and relatives

Do you as a “Homebrewer”, “Advocate of great beer”, “Professor to educate the masses against BMC”, “Masterbrewer of your domain” brew what you want or do you brew for others?
I have gotten into the rut of always having Cream Ale, or Spotted cow clone on tap for people that show up at my door with an empty glass. After making the same recipe 3 or 4 times I get bored. I would like to explore Belgians, heritage recipes and interesting ingrediants.
PS I have a two tapper that fits my schedule of brewing every other weekend with having two on tap, two on deck, and 3-6 cases of big beers aging.
What do you do?

Bottled: Barley Wine, Hearthwarmer Red Ale, Pumpkin Spice.
On tap: Kolsch, Southern English Brown Ale
Keg priming: Toasted Oatmeal Raison Cookie, Spotted Cow.
Secondary: Coffee Stout for bottling ready 12/22/12 Dang Mayans.
Primary: Cream Ale.

time to expand to 10 gal batches so you only have to brew the boring beers half as often. The other option is screw them, if they don’t like what you have on tap they can bring their own. Not ment to be rude but its your hobby its important to keep it fun and challenging.

I brew what I want, but if people make requests, I will listen. I often have two or three in mind for my “on deck” brews and will ofter ask my son or my neighbor for their opinion on which to go with.

I like the idea of 10 gallon batches of the simple stuff that might be under appreciated.

I brew what I want. A students cup cant be filled with good knowledge if its already overflowing. :wink:

I do a bit of both. I brew what I want and ocassionally brew something like an American wheat for the faint of heart.

I brew what I want. A students cup cant be filled with good knowledge if its already overflowing. :wink:

I do a bit of both. I brew what I want and ocassionally brew something like an American wheat for the faint of heart.

I brew what I want. if no one likes what I made, more for me. 8)

I try to do both. I like to brew what I want when I want, but, also enjoy making something that pleases other’s palates. One reason I do this is to try to encourage people to drink homebrew as it still has that “negative” perception. I like to show them that I can make a beer just as delicate, flavorful, etc as those big breweries.

One fun thing I did at my Oktoberfest party (I always pick the lineup for Oktoberfest) was to allow people to complete survey on what I brewed next. I picked 3 that way I had some input and so did they.

I do a bit of both as well. I am up to 22gal batches so there is plenty of beer to go around.

Both. I’ve never brewed something I didn’t think I’d like, but I guess it isn’t out of the question. I like to brew something that I know a friend will like, but that I can drink too, like a porter I’m going to brew in the near future with a buddy who really likes them. It isn’t my favorite style, but I like the challenge of coming up with something both of us will love. If I had a friend who loved hefe weisen, that would be the test. I might brew a 5 gallon batch and give the whole thing away.

OP looks like you have 2 identical threads going.

You guys share!!! :cheers:

Same here, except with the drunks in my neighborhood, my systems now max out at 65gal.

I mostly brew what I like, but I do make a mental note of batches that I loved and also think are friendly to others. Saisons and hefeweizensseem to go over quite well.

But, if all my kegs are full of face punching IPA’s, oh well.