I just brewed a tripel, and I used 2 packs of the dry Trappist yeast. It has to be the craziest fermentation I’ve ever seen! Ferm rate of -0.0455 per day! I wish I could upload a video, because the air lock since replaced by a blowoff tube) looks like the damn thing is boiling, and the fermentation temperature raised substantially.
I brewed it on Saturday, pitched the yeast around 6pm. As of this post (830 am Monday), my tilt hydrometer is already reading about 8% abv. I’ve never seen this before
Those type of brews need alot of extra headspace
Oh yes for sure. I made sure to allow for that. I’ve just never seen it happen like this. Just checked again and it’s near 8.5%, 40 hours since pitching. Nuts!
I did one Belgian style several years ago with trappist yeast. Made a starter and left on stir-plate overnight. Came down next morning to yeast foamed out of the flask all over the counter and kitchen floor. 

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That sounds similar to what I’m seeing, the blowoff tube is definitely foaming my sanitizer all over the place but oh well. Must be this particular yeast, plus my high gravity beer is only fueling the fire more.
Yes, and effective temperature control.
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Oh yes for sure. I pitched at 68 degrees, and the exothermic reaction of fermentation got it to the upper 70s, so I had to take action to make sure I didn’t exceed the window for the yeast to do its thing
There should be some compliment from that yeast… it isn’t a clean type…
What do you mean by that? I’ve never used this yeast, I normally don’t go very “rogue” on my yeast choices due to some mistakes early in my brewing “career”, so some of the terminology is foreign to me at times… Even after all these years
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Some yeasts bring different flavors… I have, for the most part, used very neutral yeasts…
There is a way to help understand… POF+ Phenolic Off Flavor Positive… They contribute flavors…
POF- Phenolic off flavor Negative… usually little to no off flavors…
There is so much stuff to read all about this stuff… and… its a bit overwhelming…
That’s what I thought you meant. So does this yeast not being a “clean” type mean it would probably lead to extra flavors?
I sorta assumed it would help create that white-ish/Trappist style peppery flavor. I once tried to use yeast to create some fruity esters in a beer that didn’t really call for fruity flavors… It definitely didn’t work. I added some fruit as well, and somehow it came out tasting sort of… Medicinal? The odd flavors eventually faded during extensive bottle aging, and the beer turned out OK. Nothing great, but less embarrassing in the end. It spooked me away from going off base with my yeast
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I should try more brews that I’m afraid of… I did with the Say-Son…