Cooler for Growlers?

Hi Everyone,
I’m looking for a good/great cooler to transport growlers in. I want to bring 2, or better yet, 4 growlers on road trips. I don’t want/need much room for ice, but they must be protected from light (obviously).

Does anyone have any suggestions of specific coolers that work for you? I’m trying to avoid looking like too much of a (beer) geek/drunk by bringing 4 growlers into Target…
Thanks much!

Somebody had a genius suggestion related to this - they were trying to shop for chest freezers to fit their kegs. The suggestion was to trace the footprint of the kegs onto cardboard, and bring the cardboard with.

You should consider picking up some of the vacuum-insulated stainless growlers. I have a 1/2 gallon model that really holds temps well. I picked it up online (FiftyFifty is the brand) for about $20. Then you don’t really need a cooler at all!

Thanks for the reminder, El Cap. I did do that for my kegs…

Regarding the Insulated SS growlers, I wish! Here in Minnesota, we are required, by law, to have brewery-branded growlers for fills at the brewery and brew pub. This means I have many glass growlers from the excellent breweries in the Twin Cities (and beyond). And I have a storage problem.

Thanks though - Perhaps I can make a mock-up of a growler out of cardboard to keep in the trunk that I can use the next time I’m at a super-store.


Doesn’t matter except that they should be red.

Pfffffft if by red you mean blue then YES!

[quote=“cgs”]Thanks for the reminder, El Cap. I did do that for my kegs…

Regarding the Insulated SS growlers, I wish! Here in Minnesota, we are required, by law, to have brewery-branded growlers for fills at the brewery and brew pub. This means I have many glass growlers from the excellent breweries in the Twin Cities (and beyond). And I have a storage problem.

Thanks though - Perhaps I can make a mock-up of a growler out of cardboard to keep in the trunk that I can use the next time I’m at a super-store.


I’m in Minnesota too! But pretty much all of the beer through my liver is homebrew. I love to fill a growler from the keg and take it on the run. What a great way to share a couple beers with a buddy and also work through a keg. I’m always looking to hook up a fresh keg and keep on brewing!
