Cold temps

Looking for a brew that can handle the “chilly” garage during fermentation, Ale’s? Not really any room in the house, believe me Ive looked.

kolsch 1007 yeast. how chilly? can you do lagers?

Like speed said, what temps? ( a location in your profile would answer this :wink: )

1056 is reported to work in the 50’s.

But, if you are talking about a 20* temp swing from day to night, you should find a way to regulate this better. Pink foam board box by itself may keep the temps in a narrower range.

Central PA, we are havin a mild winter right now but I am sure that will change.

I would think I could have it around the 50’s, I have a wall heater in there.

And I never did a Lager so thats why i started this post.

lagers are easy, just an ale at cooler temps. just keep your temps stable.

Nottingham works down into the high 50s. Any Kolsch, Altbier or German Ale yeast will as well. Any colder than that you’d probably be better off with a lager.

Toss your fermenting bucket in a larger bucket, with an Aquarium Heater in it! Most aquarium heaters are set for the range of 65-75.