Cold Steeping Roasted Grains

In the Oct 2014 issue of BYO there is a great article on using dark grains. The author briefly presents the “cold steep” method. It is not addressed, so I assume this simply means a room temp steep. Correct?

For those of you who have used this method: Do you recommend using the same amount of roasted grains as you normally would in the mash, or increasing the amount? How long do you recommend steeping for at a minimum (the article says a “full day”, but I don’t have that much time)?

A bit more info here: … rk-grains/

What are you trying to achieve. Even a cold steep and boil will extract a little harshness. If its just coloring, have you looked at sinamar?

I just read the Jan/Feb 2002 Zymurgy article referenced in the above link. The author addresses the temperature for the cold steep (room temp). The experiment was a 20 hour steep.

Regarding the amount, she merely suggests steeping 2 quarts of water per pound of crushed grain, then adding to the end of the boil a little at a time until the desired color is reached. I have seen some users on other forums recommend using 2-3 times the amount of roasted grains called for in a recipe.

No, not just color. Brewing a stout. Want a smooth, full roasted flavor without any acrid character.

According to the article a 10 minute boil extracts little to no harshness depending on the grain. Black malt exhibited a little harshness. RB exhibited no bitterness.