Co2 Purged Mason Jars

I have purchased some bulk hops and will be storing them in the freezer in mason jars. I am not asking if this is the best way to store them as opinions will differ. What I am planning to do is purge the jars with Co2 before I cap and freeze them. My question is will the Co2 have any adverse affect on the pellet hops?

I wouldn’t think so.

I store all my hops in mason jars and keep in the freezer.
I use half pints which fit 4 oz of hops each. (EDIT** I use the wide mouth version/ regular mouth may hold slightly less/more?? ) So you don’t have to open large quantities all the time.
One way to use these is to purchase a mason jar lid attachment for your vacuum sealer.
They make either a regular or wide mouth lid style. You can certainly use an inert gas to displace O2 as the producers use nitrogen but thought I would throw this idea out there also. The idea is to do anything to minimize O2 contact during storage and the gas will not be adverse in any way.

[quote=“ITsPossible”]I store all my hops in mason jars and keep in the freezer.
I use half pints which fit 4 oz of hops each. (EDIT** I use the wide mouth version/ regular mouth may hold slightly less/more?? ) So you don’t have to open large quantities all the time.
One way to use these is to purchase a mason jar lid attachment for your vacuum sealer.
They make either a regular or wide mouth lid style. You can certainly use an inert gas to displace O2 as the producers use nitrogen but thought I would throw this idea out there also. The idea is to do anything to minimize O2 contact during storage and the gas will not be adverse in any way.[/quote]

Thanks, great idea on using smaller jars. Yeah, Nitro would probably be better but that setup is way down on my to-buy list so Co2 for now.

Nono, No need to dwell on which gas either. Heck it would be nice to have a nitro stout from time to time but I have been brewing for close to 20 years and still have no plans to buy into the whole nitro pour setup. I simply goto the 100’s of bars close that have bitters to stouts on nitro if I really have to have one, which is not a real desire in my world anymore. In my early 20’s it was so dam fascinating but that fancy flew out the door real quick. My point was that if you are not open to something like vacuum sealing. Any inert gas including CO2 will work fine.