Clearance Beer

This upcoming weekend I’d like to combine a bunch of my extra ingredients into whatever kind of beer I can make.

I’ve got a bunch of celeia hops and plain old US two row. I’m thinking some sort of fake kolsch or pils (I don’t lager).

I’ve got a beer going right now on Wyeast German Ale yeast so I think I’ll dump the wort onto the yeast cake next weekend as I don’t have any other yeast right now. Clearly I need to resupply.

Anyway, what kind of beer can I expect using nothing but plain 2 row? No specialty grains in stock for me right now.

It’ll be just that, plain. Make it more about the hops and that won’t matter too much. You could always toast a pound in the oven at 350F for 30min to get some toasty notes. Or boil a portion of the wort down like you’d do with a Wee Heavy, to get some caramel flavor.

I just brewed a beer that was kind of a way to clear out some of my malt. I brewed a BDS and used up my last 10lb of domestic Munich, along with a little Vienna and Maris Otter.

[quote=“tom sawyer”]It’ll be just that, plain. Make it more about the hops and that won’t matter too much. You could always toast a pound in the oven at 350F for 30min to get some toasty notes. Or boil a portion of the wort down like you’d do with a Wee Heavy, to get some caramel flavor.

I just brewed a beer that was kind of a way to clear out some of my malt. I brewed a BDS and used up my last 10lb of domestic Munich, along with a little Vienna and Maris Otter.[/quote]

+1 on this. At the very least, I would mash in low, pull a third of it, and boil it (stir constantly), then add back for some decoction action.

Toasting is always a good idea for a small portion.

Thanks for the replies, kinda what I figured. I can borrow some specialty grains from another homebrewer in town. I’ll most likely go that route.

All 2 row and and a clean ale yeast sounds like a cream ale to me.

True, throw in a little cornmeal as your specialty grain and you’ve got an authentic grist.