If my kit would have had a OG of 1050 with out Belgian Candi Sugar, what would the OG be with it?
It depends on the batch size but probably closer to 1.060. That said, clear sugar doesn’t add much flavor as it is almost 100% fermentable so even though it will add to the overall alcohol content, it with “dry the beer out”, or give it less body on the finish. Don’t make the mistake of thinking sugar adds sweetness. This may or may not be desirable depending on the recipe. That’s all I can say without more background…
Honey does the same drying effect, but has flavor - typically florals. Too much sugar can make a cidery beer. Some Belgians tend to be big and dry (Duvel, for example), so use of sugars fits the style profile.
So if I were brewing a American Wheat and adding some orange peel, should I use Honey of Belgian Sugar?
Neither. But if you just have to add something, go with a strong honey (orange blossom for instance) or with cane sugar - the clear candi sugar is just a marketing gimmick and adds nothing special and cost much more.
Agreed. I wouldn’t add any sugar to an Am. Wheat anyway. The orange peel sounds nice, but unless you’ve brewed the batch before and found it too rich on the malt side, there’s no need for sugar that “thins” out your beer. Sugar is for big beers that would be too thick and malty without it. Some of the darker candy sugars add some nice flavors and aromas, but the clear does nothing but thin the beer and your wallet!!