Chop and Brew with Dawson

yeah the replacement for BTV. sorry host but ya gotta step up yo game.

Good video!

The guy knows his stuff. And I love bitters. I’ve used the Warminster MO malt and First Gold and liked them both.

Need to have a notebook handy with episodes Dawson is in, and need to fit a bitter in my brew schedule now.

Awesome. I wish Dawson would join Chop & Brew as a host instead of a guest.

This was an excellent chop & brew. It brought all that I loved about ye olde BTV along with what makes C&B a fun show.

Chip - I hope you and Dawson continue to have shows together in the future!

An excellent suggestion and I think they bring complementary talents. It’s possible that they don’t want to recreate BTV. That was part of their job and I am sure the time commitment was pretty substantial.

Chop and Brew may only be a labor of love.

It’s great that Dawson landed another cool job and that he reunited with Chip for a good post-BTV webcast. I’m guessing we’ll see more of Dawson as he pimps Wyeast. Not sure I’ll give 1026 a try in my next bitter, but that’s only because I love 1469.

Keep 'em coming guys!

The BTV replacement staff could learn a lot from this video. It seems casual and unscripted, but it also seems intimate, and not at all slapped together. Dawson managed to advertise his brand AND hawk specific product without making it feel like a commercial.

Somehow the new BTV manages to seem both over scripted and disorganized. It was a webcast Tupperware party. I’d almost rather watch craigtube, or the dude who says you should take your shirt off when brewing.

I’d love to see an Oktoberfest epi out of them. I think Chip and Dawson could give us an awesome walkthrough the style and how they do it.

Another great episode. Keep up the great work chip.

I agree it was a great episode. Chip is good on his own, but Dawson does add some geeky goodness. Now I am really thinking of doing an all grain bitter as my next beer (when I find employment again :? ). It seems like a good indoor all grain since its a low gravity.

[quote=“JMcK”]The BTV replacement staff could learn a lot from this video. It seems casual and unscripted, but it also seems intimate, and not at all slapped together. Dawson managed to advertise his brand AND hawk specific product without making it feel like a commercial.

Somehow the new BTV manages to seem both over scripted and disorganized. It was a webcast Tupperware party. I’d almost rather watch craigtube, or the dude who says you should take your shirt off when brewing.[/quote]

+1, the new ones are kinda rough and I really couldn’t get through an entire episode. Not knocking the cast, but Keeler and Dawson were something special!!

Maybe they should re-name it…