Chocolate Chili Stout

I have a Tazo Mexican chocolate Chili 2.5 oz and want to use it in a stout. It is 50% dark.
Any suggestions? It is a 5 gallon batch.

Most chocolates contain cocoa butter which is going to cause problems. I looked at the Taza website and didn’t see cocoa butter as an ingredient but…
Us with that said, you’d prob have to use it on the hot side to get it to melt. How much? Not sure. I would try to grind it though as it would be easier to dissolve.

Yeah I don’t know. I’m only thinking of doing this is because I have the chocolate. Probably just make my regular Oyster stout and pair with a piece of chocolate.

Might be your best bet. Usually these beers are made with nibs and peppers, not actual chocolate. Though, might be worth trying!