Cheap Store Brand Cider

I am not anywhere near good cider right now and I saw a store brand in the juice aisle for 2.50 a half gallon. I figured for that why not give it a shot.

The ingredients say water, apple juice concentrate. Below it says pasteurized. Since it does not say Potassium Sorbate should I be OK? Any other advice on using cheap stuff?

I have had great results using Mott’s 100% apple juice. ... pple-juice

It is often on sale for $2 per half gallon.

Also, the only acceptable preservative in apple juice for making cider is ascorbic acid

Does using Apple Juice vs. Apple Cider create significantly different results?


Also, the only acceptable preservative in apple juice for making cider is ascorbic acid[/quote]

Do I need to add anything to the cider before adding yeast if there is ascorbic acid in it?


Also, the only acceptable preservative in apple juice for making cider is ascorbic acid[/quote]

Do I need to add anything to the cider before adding yeast if there is ascorbic acid in it?[/quote]

You shouldn’t need to add anything. Ascorbic acid is basically just vitaman C

I use 100% apple juice concentrate from Aldi. Then add a brown sugar simple syrup (one cup for 2 gallons) to the mix and toss in the Champagne yeast.