Caribou Slobber - first attempt

Hey guys, been stalking the board since getting my new extract kit from NB. Brewed Caribou Slobber as my first attempt and it came out alright. There are a few things I’d like to change in the next go around and have some guesses as to how to improve.

One thing I’m not sure about is why the beer has such a ferocious fizziness to it. It’s not bad by any means but gets a huge head on a pour and takes a bit to calm down. Any thoughts would be appreciated and I can answer any follow up questions. Typing from my phone now so details may be sparse.

Assuming you bottle condition, how much priming sugar did you use? Did you confirm that it was done fermenting?
Other than infection, which is usually glaring, these can result in over carbonation. Here is a great way to determine priming amounts:

[quote=“Loopie Beer”]Assuming you bottle condition, how much priming sugar did you use? Did you confirm that it was done fermenting?
Other than infection, which is usually glaring, these can result in over carbonation. Here is a great way to determine priming amounts:[/quote]

Just to amplify the point; NB’s kits blanket recommend using 5 oz of corn sugar. If you look through the calculator, you’ll see different amounts are often recommended.

And the ounces are by weight, not volume. Corn sugar especially seems to vary, I’ve seen those 5 ounces be as low as 1/2 cup and as much as a full cup by volume.

I agree. If you used the whole 5 oz. priming sugar bag that comes with the kit, next time try 4oz. instead.

Interesting, thanks guys. I did use the whole bag of corn sugar from NB, I’ll cut back on that for my smashing pumpkin and see how it turns out.