I have made an observation that I don’t understand. I have had commercial beers and I have had my homebrews. I notice that if I have a commercial bomber bottle of beer in a glass, the level of carbonation lasts for teh time it takes me to drink the beer. When I have my bomber of homebrew in the same glass it seems that the carbonation is about the same as the commercial beer to start, but by the last few sips of that beer the carbonation has gone to almost none. Anyone else experience this? Is there something I should do to remedy that?
How do you carbonate your homebrews?
It may also depend on saturation time. Has your beer conditioned for long enough in the bottle (2-3wks) for the carbonation to fully saturate the liquid?
Force carbonated in the keg. In the latest particular case it was an Irish Red under keg carbonation for 3 weeks at 15 PSI.
Temperature could play a role in this.
But more likely, your homebrews are losing carbonation as your pour them from the keg, whereas coming from the bottle, less is lost.