A friend is having the brew club meeting in May on the 5th as a Cinco de Mayo party. Anyone have suggestions for a brew? I suppose a Vienna lager?
Ken Lenard has some recipes on his website that are inspired by Mexican beers. http://www.freewebs.com/kenlenard/recipes.htm
Thanks I do remember Ken was an enthusiastic supporter/adviser when I was making a Vienna some time ago.
I checked out the wiki on Mexican beer and seems some of the better examples of their commercial stuff fall in the Vienna/Dunkel categories. I think I’ll go this route, and maygbe do a pilsner as well just to cover the bases.
You’ll be rushing to get lagers ready by May 5th, won’t you?
If I brew this weekend I have 70 days until the party. I figure I can have fermentation done in three weeks and can lager for seven. The only extra time needed is if I were to bottle which is traditional with Mexican beers. I will probably punt and keg so I can carbonate concurrent to lagering. Maybe I’ll bottle from the keg for the party.
Bryan says he is drinking in 26 days.
Pitch big starters.