Debating between a 15 & 20g kettle. I know per the websites recommendation that the 15g fits the center of gravity tower that I plan on buying in the future…would the 20g be too large?
20 gallons wouldn’t be too large but the 15 would work.
I use a 16 gallon kettle for 12 gallon batches so I begin the boil with 13.25-13.5 gals. Have to keep an eye on it until the hot break is done but it’s perfectly fine.
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According to NB it will accommodate kettles up to 19” tall. So as long as the 20gal kettle is below 19” you should be good.
Looking at the mega pot 1.2 the 20gal is 20.3” so too high. The 15gal is 18.3”. And they are 20% off right now!
I brew 10.5gal batches in 15gal kettles. Like @dannyboy58 I just watch it closely. Last week I did a 90min boil that required 14gal pre-boil. It was tight but no boil over.
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awesome, thanks. that helps make the decision